A brief conversation on a recent TV program caught my attention.
A middle aged lady was describing her tennis prowess as a young teenager.
She won enough chanpionships that by age 15 she considered turning pro.
Her friend then asked: "What happened?" and she simply responded: "Life! Life happened."
Enough said for those of us with much life experience..."life is what happens while you're making other plans!"
Transitions in our life happen constantly. We move from sunrise to sunset every day.
But sometimes a life change event can be so overwhelming that we feel devastated.
In Falling Upward, Richard Rohr says a crisis "can be devastating. The crisis undoes you... it washes out your spiritual life. What you thought you knew about living the spiritual life no longer suffices for the life you are living."
Sooner or later, "life happens!" and we can feel lost.
Father Eugene Kennedy compared our life's journey to an ocen voyage. He said "our passage takes place on a pitching deck and sometimes the only thing we can do is hold on until the seas grow calm again."
The fact is that we all have times where we need help in "holding on" until our life reaches calmer seas.
And this is where the rubber meets the road for spirituality.