Back when I was pastor of First Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia, I posted the following on the front page of our newsletter, ( THE LINK, (No. 49, #1, dated January 7, 1993) written by Adolfo Quesada. I came across it again yesterday in a file of favorites, and it struck me anew:
Seek the treasure of your heart.
Seek God.
Seek God's face in every person you encounter.
Seek to understand God's complexity in the simplicity of a leaf.
Seek to embrace God's immenseness in the smallness of a hummingbird.
Seek God's joy in the sparkling eyes and spontaneous smile of a child.
Seek God's immeasurable love in the gentle touch of a caring friend.
Seek the presence of the loving Spirit.
Seek this in prayer.
And may we all pray and work for peace.