I have a good friend who has been a quilter for many years.
After sharing my reasons for this blog about Patchwork Quilt Spirituality,
I asked her to think about it and then share her thoughts.
Here is some of what she wrote:
"Every one benefits from having a quilt...
They are better than a miracle drug because
they soothe & comfort your soul just by being.
They offer you a refuge,
brighten your surroundings
and send a feeling of encompassing love.
Once it is hand quilted --
it has the ability to lift spirits,
heal hurts and surround a person with the feeling of a warm hug.
[adapted from a personal letter from Ruth Walker, January 2016.]
By the way, yesterday, January 21st, was "National Hug Day!"
as reported in the Care 2 Healthy Living website.
According to the article, reported by Diana Vilbert:
"Hugging gives us the warm-and-fuzzies."
The article goes on to claim that hugging stimulates the neurotransmitter oxytocin --
which promotes feelings of trust and contentment,
and helps to lower blood pressure and heart rate.
Didn't Jesus say something about a "Comforter"?
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