Friday, November 25, 2016


We spent the month of October finishing our plans and then moving back to Vermont -- and I am still recovering from relocation stress. Not that I am complaining, as we arrived in Bennington to find the fall colors at their peak, and just had our first beautiful snowfall! Vermont is, indeed, awesome!!

Nevertheless, our self-move was exhausting, and I am still in recovery mode. Seeking some inspiration this morning, I was reviewing Rami Shapiro's Q&A column in the current  issue of Spirituality and Health magazine (2016 Nov-Dec) and was taken with his encouragement:

          "Befriend fellow seekers, questioners, and spiritual creatives
who are devoted to truth seeking without falling into the trap of truth owning;

          who play with ritual and are committed to innovation;

          who share the values of justice, compassion, peace, and the honoring of all beings;

          and who actively work for the welfare of person and planet."

I find myself being re-energized as I re-read this.
Thank you Rami!


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to Vermont! I enjoy your posts and enjoyed meeting you.
